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The Feature Paper can be either an original research article, a substantial novel research study that often involves
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The observation that firms are greenwashing in their advertisements to consumers has attracted regulatory false claim concerns; thus, we built a three-stage game theoretical model to explore how a firm’s efficiency in greenness information acquisition and a false claims ban (FCB) regulatory policy induce greenwashing (non-greenwashing) in the green advertising market. We solved the model with the concept of the perfect Bayesian equilibrium. Based on the PBEs, we obtained the following results. (1) A FCB regulatory policy is necessary to rule out any intentional greenwashing PBE. (2) In the presence of a strict FCB regulatory policy (with a large enough FCB penalty), if the precision of the firm’s observed signals is lower (or higher) than a threshold, uninformative non-greenwashing (both unintentional and uninformative non-greenwashing) PBEs arise, and the threshold increases in the FCB penalty. (3) A strict FCB regulatory policy and a high level of efficiency (regarding the firm’s greenness information acquisition) can (together) rule out greenwashing; the threshold of the efficiency of the firm’s greenness information acquisition is independent of the regulatory policy. Managerial implications are also discussed.
greenwashing; false claims ban; advertising; perfect Bayesian equilibrium
greenwashing; false claims ban; advertising; perfect Bayesian equilibrium

This content was originally published here.


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