WHAT PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT We collect only the valid email addresses of individuals or organizations interested to subscribe in the SEC Bulletin. |
IP Addresses SEC Bulletin sign up form does not collect information about your computer (or mobile device), including IP addresses, operating system and browser type. |
HOW WE COLLECT For this project, SEC collects and uses email addresses through an online subscription/sign-up form located at the upper left portion of the website. This email addresses are to be incorporated in the mailing list created for the SEC Bulletin. |
WHY COLLECT The collected email addresses will be utilized solely for the mailing list. The email addresses will serve as a means to send out the SEC Bulletin to its subscribers. The email addresses will not be shared with outside parties of the SEC. |
HOW TO KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION SECURE Only authorized SEC personnel are granted access to the email addresses collected by SEC through SEC Bulletin sign up from. This information collected are stored in a secure database. We use reasonable security safeguards to protect the information from loss, unauthorized access, use or disclosure. |
RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, a data subject refers to an individual whose personal information is collected and processed. We are duly bound to observe and respect your privacy rights, including your right to information, right to access, right to correct, right to remove, right to damages and right to data portability. |
In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the SEC is committed to protect and respect the personal data gathered from our clients.If you voluntarily agree to subscribe to our newsletter and receive a monthly issue of the SEC Bulletin as well as other advisories, please provide a valid email address so we can include you in our subscription list.
Rest assured that the information collected will only be used for SEC Strategic Communication purposes and will not be publicized for the privacy and safety of our subscribers. If you agree with these terms and conditions, please sign up now! Thank you |
For more information, suggestion and feedback on this Privacy Notice, please send your email to our Data Protection Officer at dpo@ |
This content was originally published here.