Derivatives Regulation, from clearing and market abuse to investor protection
ISDA Documentation and Negotiation, from netting to defaults
FX, Credit and More
Derivatives Products, from plain vanilla to credit derivatives
Embedded derivatives: structured products and tips for documentation
Derivatives Litigation, from the GFC to hedge funds
International Derivatives Law considers the law and practice of the international derivatives markets. It has a distinctly practical focus. A key objective is to provide students with skills they can apply in legal practice.
Principal topics of the subject will include:
- Derivatives markets generally (exchange-traded, over-the-counter and embedded derivatives) and their commercial drivers and legal risks, on central clearing in practice
- Regulation of international derivatives markets and their key risks
- The structure, mechanics, key features and pitfalls of ISDA derivatives documentation
- Derivative products (ranging from plain interest rate derivatives to credit derivatives and niche products such as weather and emission trading derivatives)
- The interrelationship between derivatives and other financial products (the use and documentation of swaps in structured finance, for instance securitisation and covered bonds
- Analysis of the role of derivatives, especially credit derivatives, in sovereign debt and hedge fund practices
- The risk of mis-selling derivative products by financial institutions
- Explanation of the role derivatives can play in international sustainable finance.