In March 2022 this overview of international finance law will be once more offered as part of the University of Sydney’s Masters of Law program. Further details on this subject can be found below and on this link.

International finance is all around us: from vaccine finance, litigation against mis-selling banks, to green bonds, sovereign debt crises, the contentious role of activist hedge funds and impact investing, there is no escape.

Banks having to prove their value to the community by mains of delivering sustainable finance. This unit introduces and digs deep into the suite of international financial transactions, with a profoundly practical perspective, whilst also showcasing sustainable and development finance in practice.

Key pillars of the unit include lending, capital markets instruments, derivative markets and project finance. Within each pillar specific financial products are analysed, both from a legal and structuring perspective. We look at lending and negotiate a term sheet. We uncover the drivers and documentation of structured finance products such as securitisation and covered bonds. We will also look at the international regulatory reform of for instance the derivatives market and its impact on documentation. Insight is given into credit derivatives. Investor litigation is also a prominent feature of the unit. The lecturer shares his own transactional experience in development finance, from Asia to Africa and Latin America. Guest lecturers from top tier law firms and major banks explain transactions and risks, giving a broader perspective. Case studies and a negotiation session are also included, making this a both challenging and exciting unit. Bottom line: this unit will enhance your skills for application in legal practice. No prior experience in the financial markets is required. To assist students in getting up to speed, some materials will be shared on-line before classes commence.



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